Thursday, December 3, 2009

Reviews for movies I will never see: The Blindside

Welcome everyone to the first installment of what hopefully will be a regular occurence, where I review movies not from what I see, but based on how I think the movie will go. The premiere installment takes a look at the newest Sandra Bullock movie The Blindside, some are talking Oscar, but is it the statue or the grouch, let's see shall we. From what I saw in the trailer, Sandra Bullock strikes up a friendship with a slow, dim-witted fellow, it was then I realized I was actually watching the trailer for Speed, and that was Keanu Reeves, as the kids say these days, my bad. I assume there is some family tension, what with bringing in a stranger and all, slow bonding between the newcomber and the kids that are being overshadowed by the new stranger. Bullock seems to have gained a southern accent for the movie, which makes her a little more hotter, and ensures that unlike her other movies, I at least will watch this commercial with the sound on.

The big story of the movie seems to center around football, and I assume there is more fish out of water hijinks between the other main character and his new found teammates. I have heard this was based on a true story, and the kid actually ended up being drafted by the Baltimore Ravens, if this is true, then I guess the story does not have a happy ending, cause really who wants to play for the Ravens. I'm gonna assume that Bullock's character in this movie is having marital problems and maybe starts to have feelings for her new friend, as to add some juiciness to the story, as M. Night Shamalamadingdong would say when making one of his movies "WHAT A TWIST."

However, the twists don't end there, even though Bullock has feelings for other main character, it turns out this shy fellow, while showering with the other guys, finds something in himself that makes him think "hey, I like this" and finds out that he is gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I mean Heath Ledger played a gay character, and look where it got him......he played the Joker to much critical acclaim. Between these shocking developments and a couple of high speed chases thrown in on the way to rival teams stadiums, I'm sure the Blindside is a non-stop thrill ride for the whole(female part) of the family to enjoy.

Next up, Twilight.

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