Saturday, December 5, 2009

My magical quest for the Starbucks Eggnog Latte

Have you ever had that one magical moment in your life, a time when everything stops, and you are lifted outside of yourself, today for me was one of these days. This quest actually started some days ago when a co-worker of mine made an off hand comment about a beverage he had acquired, the mystical eggnogg latte from Starbucks. My interest in his conversation went from fake to fascinating at the mention of this mere drink. It was at this moment that I knew I had to try this concoction, heaven and earth would have to be moved until I found myself in it's presence. Newfoundland is not like most places, while we do in fact have a great deal of Tim Horton's(hell our Tim's employees outnumber our soldiers like 10-1) we have a limited amount of Starbucks, we only have 3, while in some places in the USA I assume there are 3 on a street.

I did not care how far I had to go, for this trip would surely be worth it, surely this drink would symbolize everything good about Christmas, flowing with the right combination of eggnogg, caffiene, and the sweat of the newly born baby jesus in each cup, there was no sacrifice to small to make. My first attempt at obtaining the latte was a few days ago, but the first roadblock appeared, as I had been hit by mother nature again. No it was not rain this time, nor snow thankfully, but a bitter cold snap and the full force of her wind, which made me say screw this and walk back inside my humble abode, to the comfort of tea and the ever delicious grilled cheese sandwich.

But today, today was the day, conditions were not ideal, but were better then last time, as it was overcast and only a little chilly, yes I can deal with chilly, lifting my hood to cover my bald head I was on my way. As I mentioned before, sacrifices would have to be made to achieve my goal, and the biggest was the use of public transportation. Ah the metrobus, home of the despot and despaired, most just seeking the comfort of the others and only finding it in the form of the barely attentive busdriver, and even he/she will leave you if it's break-time and there is a Tim Horton's close to the stop. As I surrounded myself with the plebians, I thought "it's ok, I'll be there soon, and my trusty music device will allow me to block those around me out." Thankfully, I was right and the trip wasn't very long at all, upon arriving at the mall, I decided to feast upon Mary Browns in order to keep my strength up for the last of the journey. I arrived at Chapters, where this particular Starbucks was located, it was the first of it's kind in St. Johns and less walking distance so this is where I would try it out.
I joined the line up of people that waited for the various concoctions that these magical wenches whipped up before our eyes. After making my order and paying the prerequisite price of an arm and leg, I said the magic word, Grande. Magically moments later the beverage appeared before my eyes, and that's when the change happened. I was lifted, transported if you will, to somewhere else, my leather jacket and hoodie that had protected me from the cold were gone, I now found myself in a turtleneck, sitting at a table with a laptop and bluetooth headset that I had no recollection of entering with or even owning. With the utterance of that one magical word, I became more pretentious and found myself talking louder, as so to ensure everyone knew that I was writing something, my god I was writing something, where was I, how had I gotten here.
I was brought back to earth with the first sip of the latte, as the drink that for the past few days I had put on a pedestal, ranked as merely ok. It was lacking the eggnogg taste, and could have used a bit more baby Jesus sweat, all I got was mostly a taste of coffee, of which I am not so much a fan. My disappointment turned first to anger, as I wanted to find my co-worker and punch him square in the babymaker, now as he is a giant of a man and I am just about eye-level it would be fairly easy, but my levelheadedness prevailed and I thought against it. Since I had paid the arm and a leg(and given them my banking info so they could take payments out each month) I decided it was best to drink this witches brew, and drink I did until I could stands no more and tossed it in a nearby garbage bin.
They say it's not the destination that matters, but the journey, and I say screw that, and screw you Starbucks for tarnishing the good name of eggnogg. This journey taught me that magic should only be used to saw people in half or show how fast you can get out of stuff, not to play God with caffienated beverages. Oh, and by the way, my trusty music device died on the way home, luckily while the ham-n-eggers were out in force today, not many of them were on the bus, now if you'll excuse me I'm going to Tim Horton's for a gingerbread hot chocolate, you'll never let me down Tims, unless your machine is being cleaned.


  1. Next time, let me order for you.

  2. This is a story for the ages... I laughed in places, I wept in spots. But one day... one day given the chance... try the pumpkin scone...
