Monday, December 7, 2009

Mr. Plow

Thats his name, that name again is Mr. Plow. Don't be fooled, Mr. Plow is not the jovial man you've seen on the Simpsons, Mr. Plow is cunning, calculated. Mr. Plow waits in the shadows, lurking behind a pile of freshly shovelled snow. He is a patient man, that Mr. Plow, content to sit and wait until the last blade of snow is gone, till finally the driveway is clean. It is then, and only then that he strikes, his menacing laugh silenced only by the roar of his engine, and the sinister beep beep beep that warns of his presence. Mr. Plow is the scurge of shovellers everywhere, for as soon as they have freedom, as soon as they can see a road that will take them from their imprisonment he says "Not so fast" and blocks them in again.

Mr Plow rarely makes himself seen, often waiting until the poor maligned shoveller goes back inside to rest his weary muscles, then he makes his move, taking away not only the open spaces but hope as well. Some shovellers fight back, they throw the snow at the plow, or shake their fists or throw expletives at Mr. Plow, but he is unhindered in his quest to annoy the shovellers and deny access to the streets he calls home. I do not know what happened in Mr. Plow's childhood, maybe he hand an unyielding father who forced him to shovel from dawn to dusk, then putting the snow back so he could shovel some more. Maybe all his attempts at snowmen making were knocked over by neighbourhood bullies, forcing him to take his revenge on the innocent homeowners of today.

At the time of this writing Mr. Plow has not struck my driveway, not yet anyway, but I lie in wait, waiting for the beep beep, waiting for the yellowish menace to destroy my hard work. It has happened before, it will happen again, and I know the result, I will go shovel again, cause Mr. Plow is too big, to powerful. Many have tried to take him, many have failed, for he is too fast, too elusive, using the pure white snow as a cloaking device for his evil deads. In the distance now I hear a noise, it is faint, but I can make it out.....BEEP, hmm he approaches.....BEEP is only a matter of time now........BEEP .......ah false alarm, was only a big truck backing up. I continue to sit and wait, not just for the streets to be clean of snow, but for the streets to be clean of the menace that is Mr. Plow, yes that's his name, how could you forget the name of Mr. Plow.

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