Friday, January 8, 2010

Barrack Obama to get Lost....

Possibly pre-empted in Febuary that is. It appears that everyone's favorite president(besides the ones that voted for the other guy of course) may be scheduling his state of the union address as the same night as the season premiere of Lost's 6th and final season. Die hard fans of Lost are already in panic mode, using there greatest weapons, snarky humor and the internet to try and convince the prez to run his speech another night. I say give Obama a chance, how do we know he's not a fan himself, maybe his state of the union address is actually to answer some of the questions that all lost fans have; however, if the man gives away any spoilers you know his popularity rating is gonna drop faster then Juliet when she let go of Sawyer's hand, why couldn't you hold on tighter you lovable con man you.

We don't know what goes inside the white house, maybe the Obama's have a weekly Lost night, arguing over who's cuter Kate or Juliet, or clenching their fists in anger over the antics of Benjamin Linus. Can't you just picture the president standing in front of a mirror trying to talk like Desmond like we all have when we are I mean I've never tried it cause that would be a little bit weird. I know one thing, if he could tell me why that Cynthia chick was in Hurley's mental institution, I'd move to the United States and become a citizen just so I could vote for him for re-election because that's been driving me nuts since season 2.

Perhaps his address will be something huge like he's gonna spend billions of dollars to try and find the island, lord knows Bush wasted tons of money trying to find things that didn't exist. Perhaps he'll keep flying air force one over the skies to see if he can hit the mysterious ball of electromagnetism, don't worry if he crashes Jack is a doctor he can save him. Now see me being an evil person, if I was scheduling the presidential address for that night, I would start it with the whiteout that ended last season and slowly fade in drawing suspension and then revealing Mr. President stood at the podium. Then he would launch into his speech about healthcare reform ironically enough causing strokes in most of the viewers. Most people wouldn't want to see that, they don't care what happens to people today, they wanna see what happened to people on the island thirty years ago.

Honestly folks, what questions would you rather know the answers too, how the new healthcare system works, or how the hell is their two Locke's? when is the war in Iraq gonna end? or how is Lost gonna end? If it is absolutely necessary for Mr. Obama to interrupt what us fans have been waiting for for so long, I hope he least wheres a Darma jumpsuit, like the time Bush wore the fighter pilot uniform on the boat, making up for the last time he was supposed to where a uniform and didn't, it could be Obama's way of making it up to the people. Actually for me watching either wouldn't be much different because when it comes to the show or what's goin on in America I have no clue. Oh well at least till then I have the Shield, Micheal Chiklis might look like a testicle but I know exactly what he's doin.

P.S. the above article main contain spoilers, and if you read any of them, haha made you look, but really it's too late for you to catch up now, so I've done you a favor, Namaste.

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