Monday, November 30, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

And it's not even December yet, ugh. The following rant excludes any members of my family here or abroad that have already decorated, or friends who have kids who already have their decorations up, u are exceptions, and it should cover my butt to say that. As I walk my street these days I notice that some houses are already in the festive spirit, and that's fine I guess, but why so early, by the time Christmas comes these days, you can't wait for it to be over. In my opinion Christmas begins when the turkey is on the table, and ends when your belt is loosened cause you can't eat anymore. These days it seems that people put up decorations as soon as the stores start decorating, "Honey, Walmart has their tree up, let's go get ours."
When I was younger we waited on pins and needles for Christmas, and I mean that literally, cause we had real trees, not these fake plastic ones you buy in the store; because until you've almost been hit by the tree that you decorate, it's not worth it, at least that's what my brother told me, as I was usually too busy watching cartoons. However, as I grew older I did go with my dad to get trees, fond memories of dad chopping a tree only to hear my mom yell from the window afar that it was not good enough, and too look for another. This all lasted until we found the perfect tree, which when we got down to the window, wasn't the perfect tree, and rinse, rather and repeat, but I digress.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I saw decorations the day after Halloween, I can see this from stores, they want to suck all the money out of you, but if they really wanna do that, make two sided decorations, on one side have a pumpkin, on the other side have Santa, then decorating can be rather simple. Perhaps I'm just more bitter towards Christmas these days cause I help to feed everyone, and these days it seems like everyone, that goes out Christmas shopping. I mean I'm hardly religious, but wasn't there something about a baby being born a long time ago, that Christmas was supposed to be about, maybe if they come out with a Tickle Me Jesus doll, some people will stop and think about that.
If all the decorations weren't enough, on the first day of November radio stations around here start airing their countdown to Christmas, in which they tell you every day how many weeks are left till Christmas. I mean really does it have to be every day, I mean I know they are probably pre-recorded, and it's the same everyday, but if one day passes it's still the same amount of weeks. If it were me doing those spots, I'd do a live one everyday and it would go something like this "Hi everybody, it's our countdown to Christmas, you
now have one less day then you did yesterday"
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy some aspects of Christmas, the yearly boxes of turtles, the turkey, the family and all that, but like with most things the holiday is better in small doses. I mean logically, if you keep getting hit over the head with something, your gonna get tired of getting hit over the head with something, or you will lapse into a coma, whatever comes first. I mean Christmas is so commercial these days that it should be squeezed in between your favorite tv shows, unless you have tivo or dvr, or watch tv on the internet, if so then my point is lost. I guess this ends this poorly constructed rant, and by the way I am aware of the irony of me doing a rant about Christmas starting early a month before Christmas. I may have come off a bit negative here, so even if it is a bit early, I hope everyone has a merry xmas....... oh yeah the baby, Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. frankie u have to much time to think,good job,u hit the nail right on the head !!!!!
