Thursday, November 26, 2009

my ongoing battle with weather

Well readers, since it's my day off, and I have no life to speak of, post number 2 for today comes your way. Not only does my day off bring another post, but it also brings rain, a fairly common occurrence on my days off, I guess mother nature thought this was easier then reaching down and kicking me in the nads. To set the record straight I have no problem with rain, helps in the devolopment of crops, gives kids hours of enjoyment jumping in puddles, and can actually be relaxful to walk in when it's warm. My only complaint is that it usually waits until my day of rest to come down at it's hardest, leaving me trapped inside left to my imagination, and that's never a good thing. Days like today are especially boring, with all my ps3 games finished, and my too short attention span leaving to not wanna watch movies I was forced to do something else, something drastic......I cleaned. As mentioned before, I work in a restaurant, so I like to keep things clean when I'm there, some may label me a neat freak, I prefer the term anal, mostly cause it makes me giggle. I tend to work a lot, herego I clean a lot, and during this busier time on my one day off, I don't really feel like cleaning, this of course leads to the dust mites building up so the size of a German army, and I am poor unsuspecting Poland, they come from out of nowhere and take over. Today I said enough was enough, and channeling Mr. Clean(I have the bald head already) I went to work, there was sweeping, there was scrubbing, there was washing dishes, and even some laundry, sure the apartment doesn't look immaculate but this is a bachelor pad, why if I didn't have a roomate I wouldn't even have pants. So while rain is not all bad (at least you don't have to shovel it) it makes me resort to doing responsible things, and that makes me feel dirty just thinking about it, I'm gonna go shower.

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