Having your bills paid and available money is always a dangerous thing isn't it folks? Well for me it is anyway because nine times out of ten it ends up burning a hole in my pocket, then I have to go buy new pants, and end up spending money regardless. It does not help that my work is located in a very busy part of town with a lot of stores, including an EB games store situated across the parking lot, convenient for me, not so much for my bank account. Roughly this time every year I contemplate buying a Nintendo Wii but I can usually talk myself out of it, come up with reasons not to justify it, or something comes on television and I forget about it. Well, since TV shows aren't new again till next week(except Sons of Anarchy whooo) I decided to say the hell with it and make the long walk across the parking lot to bring a new toy to the apartment.
I walk up to the counter and ask the girl if they have any Nintendo systems in stock and she says "Wii" , after asking if she spoke English, she for some reason rolled her eyes and pointed to the shelf and guided me to the right direction. Before I bring it up the counter I of course see what games look interesting, really buying the system is contingent on if they have Mario Kart or not, but alas I do not see it, until magically it appears before me, it's used, but what the hey, beggars can't be choosy, unless your that homeless guy my brother saw taking a sub out of the garbage and picking the tomato off, then beggars can be choosy. The girl goes through all the jibba jabba about warranties and tries to sell me stuff but I decline cause I have my system and honestly Wii would just like to get out of there, but not before she makes me paranoid by saying sometimes the bags break and it's not pretty, thanks...... thanks a lot.
Now the walk home is tense, I cradle it so Wii can make it home safely, all the while thinking screw you bio-degradable bags, if you burst and Wii don't make it home alive, I will litter from one end of this town to the next, I will stop at Tim Horton's and just buy sleeves of empty cups and throw them on the ground, and there is a not a God or a Captain Planet that can stop me. Luckily the walk home was uneventful and Wii made it home safely, I dust off the entertainment center and the Ps3 to make it neat and tidy for the arrival of his Wii little brother. At first I wonder if I am gonna have enough room to place it somewhere, but luckily after trying a few different ways Wii Fit.
Early trial runs are proving quite enjoyable, it is fun, entertaining, and even educational, as Wii sports teaches us that people with no arms can do quite well at tennis, boxing, bowling, baseball, and golf, although in golf it leads to quite the handicap..........yeah I said it don't look at Mii. Of course I still love the PlayStation, and I first I wondered if I had two systems could Wii all co-exist and I could spend time with both, well folks in the words of a famous man yes Wii Can.
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